Pray As You Go
This is a web service as well as an app available from Jesuit Ministries, based in the UK. What it involves is a daily Scripture reading, music and prompts for reflection, contemplation and prayer. I find it extraordinarily life-giving, as well as convenient (the new daily reflection automatically downloads to my phone every morning). I tend to use the daily meditation while on my morning commute, thus giving me an excellent start to my day, and I am striving to incorporate the Ignation Examen track in my nightly routine, as well.
I've linked the website, but I've actually been reading this in print. It has daily readings and prayers for morning, evening, and daily mass. It's been an incredible resource for me that I have been able to carry in my pocket through military training.
The One You Feed
I've been listening to this interview podcast for a couple years now. They start off each episode asking their interviewee what the parable of the two wolves means to them. The ensuing conversation always seems to go in a new, fascinating direction, while still having everything to do with how different people incorporate balance and self-knowledge into their lives. I highly recommend to you a listen for a couple episodes, at least.
On Being
"... Is public radio's ongoing conversation about meaning, religion, ethics and ideas." On Being is a show that I can go to if I need a jolt of intellectually stimulating and yet simultaneously grounded discourse. I love how the staff of this show is so ready to put all of their work online, free to anyone who feels drawn to take advantage if it.
Writers Almanac
I don't use this as a direct resource for my blogging. I use Garrison Keillor's daily radio show as more of a reprieve from stress and anxiety in my life. It's something I can reliably use as 5 minutes of calm in sometimes otherwise crazy days.
This isn't anything fancy, and if you're one who has looked up any scripture online, you probably already know about this website. But what I love about it is that you can actually look up chapters and verses from various books and then put multiple translations side by side. Makes it much easier when I want to make comparison, since I often like to do that.
Bible Browser's Lexicon
Recently, I have been wanting to get into some more of the etymological studies of Scripture and this is the resource I have used most often. Admittedly, there is nothing flashy on the page that I've linked to and if you haven't used a lexicon before, it will seem completely batty and opaque. But I have a smattering of New Testament Greek stored back in the recesses of my brain, and so I become appropriately geeky when I take a peek into which words were actually used in the Scripture that I'm now reading in English.
Classical MPR
Again, not a direct influence on the content of my writing. But I will often queue up the live stream on my computer or when I'm driving to find some calm and space for reflection.
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